Jun 25, 2013

recording snippet!

I have had a few years now to get my head around this project, about what it means that I am writing an album based in music that is not my heritage (gamelan or jazz!) and what it says & means when people write new material based in a culture that is not their own. There were times when I felt so 'malu' to do this project, like I didn't understand enough, like I didn't belong enough, like I didn't have the right. But, one of the things that I love the most about music, and musicians, is that a lot of us don't see the world in that way. Music is inspiring, and can often say so much more than words. It can create emotion and feeling that is incredibly powerful. And through sharing these particular musical explorations of what a childhood in Bali and 'belonging' somewhere mean to me, I hope to reach other people who don't feel a real sense of belonging anywhere. The ones who moved around a lot, who grew up in another culture and who don't feel like they belong in the place they grew up nor in the place of their citizenship. Or you belong in both. Everywhere!

I couldn't have kept going with this project without talking a lot about it and listening to many perspectives on life and our world. Thank you to all of you....

Above is a little snippet of our recording...  you'll have to hang out to hear how it all turns out!!

Here are the lyrics as a teaser!!..

Breathe My War

Frangipanis, papaya trees
A house that lives by the sea
Waves that crash and whet our hearts
Can never set us free

You are there
You always are there
The only ones
When darkness comes
Breathing in my peace
Breathing in my war

Smoke-drift temples, banana leaves
Sleeping under a balmy breeze
Lizards chirp to bring us luck
That gets lost upon the seas

You are there
You always are there
The only ones
When darkness comes
Breathing in my peace
Breathing in my war

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